About our escapades

Lily and me at Lily's 5th birthday party, with our orange tree in the background...our orange tree that was soon to lead to our Marmalade Project.
Lily and me at Lily’s 5th birthday party, with our orange tree in the background…our orange tree that was soon to lead to our Marmalade Project.

Welcome to Lily & Mummy’s Escapades – a site where my daughter Lily and I will share with you our various projects and adventures, and no doubt some misadventures along the way.

You can read about some “home-made” projects, and share our travel adventures, whether in our home “town” of Perth, Western Australia, or overseas.

We’re not that different to many families all over the world and this blog is not to prove otherwise. But what I hope is that by having this blog site, it can be a platform for encouraging my daughter to be an active participant of our local community and the global community so that she can grow up feeling she belongs and that what we do has some meaning in the bigger scheme of things.

Here’s to our escapades!



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